Monday, June 09, 2008

Brighton Stage Race (Day 3)


Can I stop now???

Oh man, that was a tough one...

I was so bummed out over my performance, that when I rolled into the finish yesterday, I think I started to cry. Seriously! I had the whole lower lip quiver thing going on and tears welling up in my eyes. I know, I know, pretty pathetic. I'm all better now and maybe it was just delirium caused by fluid/electrolyte disturbances (I looked that up on the Interweb).

My race was a nightmare. My body totally refused to cooperate. I had no power, low back pain, hip flexor pain, knee pain, blisters on my hands, mid race a stick or something got into my shoe and was stabbing my foot, sweltering heat, and the greasy trails. Uhg! I was in a world of hurt. I did some quick math after that first lap and realized the misery was going to last over 3 hours. Bah!

Well, At least I have a couple days here to recover before the Lumberjack 100. Ahhh!!!

Rolling off the line for the Time Trial..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least you finished. I finished too, but it felt like a marathon race. I try to explain to people how miserable that race was, but I can't find the words. It had to be one of the worst as far as heat and humidity. I didn't have water for the last lap. One thing I noticed was the younger riders didn't seem to be as affected time wise. You can't fool mother nature, I guess. If it wasn't so hot you would have done better.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:59:00 PM

Blogger msfzx said...

So you had a bad day/weekend. Bah! So what! You're still everyone's hero. We still love you!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 9:31:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry Robert. I think most feel the same about the race. I felt as if I "raced" for half a lap. Then I just did everything I could to get myself to the finish line ASAP. It was my very own TT. As soon as I crossed the line I took my shoes off. My left foot and big toe felt like it was in a vise. I have no idea why. Once the shoes were off I could barely stand up straight again. Good times. Good times. It was a marathon for sure.

Joe B.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 12:43:00 PM


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